A Year In Review | 2015
These images are a reflection of my heart, a reflection of the things I see and feel, things I daydream about, and the way I view people. I don’t simply consider my images as my work, but a part of me, these images are always growing and changing just as my heart is. These images remind me of the countless nights I spent staying up late working, connecting with people heart to heart, growing, creating funky portraits for the fun of it, being frustrated with myself, celebrating with others in their happiness and experiencing love through the eyes of my lens. It has honestly been so hard for me to choose the “best” images of the year to blog, I went through thousands and thousands of photos and was getting pretty emotional about it. I was able to look through all these moments I (we) experienced and captured this past year and can’t help but think how much more beautiful these images are to the people in them and how much more beautiful they will become over time. I know years from now I will look back at these images and think I;m so glad I was able to be a part of these moments and celebrations, I’m so glad I worked hard to capture these images, i’m so happy i took the time to edit them with care and attention, I’m never going to look back and think man I wish I hadn’t worked so hard, i’m always going to be grateful for the opportunity to work my hardest on something that will mean so much to other people.
I know I am a bit late on the whole new years resolution thing, but I don’t think just because we are a few months in that I still can’t strive for change, strive to be better, you don’t have to wait till the new year to become a better person! You have a chance every day to become a better version of yourself and if you fail today, there is always tomorrow, there are thousands and thousands of tomorrows ahead of us, so don’t feel discouraged when today sucks. I know i’ve allowed myself to feel so discouraged in the year of 2015, there were times I wished 2015 would end already but in the end after I felt hopeless, cried from frustration, felt overwhelmed or not good enough I always had to pick myself up and remember that I do what I do not to just create beautiful images, or images I’m proud of but to make people happy. When my clients are happy I’m happy, I do what I do to spread happiness, one image at a time. And this year no matter what I want to make people happy through my work, thats my new years resolution. I know thats odd to hear since we live in an age where everyone tells you your happiness matters more than others, I think if we stopped looking inward so much and tried at least a little to make other people happy this world would be a better place, and thats what I want to do more in my personal life and with my business this year. I want to put the happiness of others above my own.
Thank you to every single person who allowed Maks and I to be apart of your story, it truly has blessed us in ways you could never imagine. Thank you for believing in us. We love you guys! Cant wait for all the stories we’ll get to be a part of in 2016!
Grab a cup of coffee, turn on your favorite song and soak in the beautifulness of humans who love wildly and deeply.
A behind the scenes Iphone snap: Maks had to hold up the couple underwater so they could float! ;)